Our Recommitment to
The Independent Living Movement

The Independent Living movement has reached an inflection point where we must decide whether to build on our hard-won victories for self-determination, community integration, and self-leadership, or face increasing irrelevance in our disability communities and broader society. We, the undersigned, choose the former. We call on the boards and executives of Centers for Independent Living (CILs) and Statewide Independent Living Councils (SILCs) to join us in recommitting to the aims of the Independent Living movement and align those aims with the current needs and aspirations of our united disabled community.

We recognize that we work and live among many disability-adjacent communities and welcome allies who work with us to advance the philosophy and goals of Independent Living. We call on our allies to reinforce IL’s mission by explicitly supporting the following tenets in name as well as in action.

The IL movement is not just a network of organizations or a bureaucratic identity. It is a mandate, a set of values manifested through intentional practice evolving from its inception by Ed Roberts, and its statutory framework under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 to the present day.  We recognize that legitimate, effective rights movements – such as those for racial justice, women’s rights, and sexual autonomy – must be led from within. The Independent Living movement is no different, requiring leadership and representation by and for disabled people. Our great historic work has paved the way for new generations of proud leaders with disabilities who have the skills, passion and lived experiences to carry us forward.  It is time for us to open our organizations to them, especially where we’ve witnessed the degradation of independent living and seen SILCs and CILs promoting segregated and subminimum-wage labor, support for institutional living, the use of guardianship and, more broadly, the de-prioritization of our collective strength.

Let us, therefore, recommit to full community integration and inclusion of people with disabilities in all aspects of society with the following:

  • CIVIL RIGHTS & DISABILITY JUSTICE  We commit to protecting and advancing equity and justice for all. We understand that focusing only on rights and access, while neglecting to address our peoples’ vast variety of cultural and historic oppressions, is an injustice to our community. The disability community is diverse and many members continue to be oppressed and marginalized for having identities beyond their disability. Recognizing the intersectionality of disability rights with other civil rights, we commit to building diversity, equity and access on all levels within IL leadership, policies, systems, programs, staffing, and governance, to foster and advance practices of inclusion that embrace cultural, physical, sensory and cognitive accessibility to the maximum extent possible.
  • DISABILITY LEADERSHIP AND STAFFING   Leadership for independent living and disability rights and justice must be vested in individuals with disabilities (not non-disabled family members, service providers, or other community-adjacent representatives). We commit to being disability-led and staffed. To this end:
    • We commit to ensuring that a majority of our management identifies as having a disability;
    • If a majority of our management is non-disabled, we commit to having in place an employment plan that will bring our Center to majority-disabled status within a specified timeframe;
    • We commit to filling the executive director and board president positions with individuals who proudly identify as having a disability;
    • If our leadership positions are not filled by disabled individuals, we commit to having in place a succession plan that ensures within a specified timeframe that the executive director and board president are individuals who proudly identify as having a disability.
  • CHOICE, CONTROL & COMMUNITY SUPPORTED SELF-DETERMINATION We understand that people with disabilities know what is best for themselves, that they can benefit and grow from discussing their needs, concerns and decisions with people who’ve had similar experiences. To this end we commit to supporting disabled people in having full agency over their lives. We commit to promoting the social model that sees it as society’s responsibility to ensure that all people with disabilities are able to exercise their choices and control as they see fit. Accordingly, we strongly oppose the medical model that has historically segregated and oppressed our disabled community. We commit to promoting least restrictive options for all supports, which includes advancing alternatives to guardianship to ensure the rights and well-being of people with disabilities. (Consider adopting language from The National Council on Independent Living’s “Guardianship Position Statement.”)
  • ADVOCACY It is critical to protect and advance disability-led advocacy to ensure that no other movement represents us. We commit to providing individual, systemic, long-term, and community-wide change activities to ensure that people with disabilities benefit from all that society has to offer. 
  • DEINSTITUTIONALIZATION Institutional entitlement continues to isolate our community. We commit to being unequivocal in our advocacy for community integration for people with all disabilities.
  • NON-CONFLICTED SERVICES We commit to having in place rigorous conflict of interest (COI) policies and procedures that forbid staff, board members or affiliates from supporting systems, policies, programs, or practices that are counterproductive to the IL movement, such as:
    • serving on the boards of long-term care facilities, intermediate care facilities, sheltered workshops or other segregated and financially exploitive institutions;
    • holding financial interests in these institutions or in entities that significantly invest in such institutions;
    • serving as professional guardians, conservators or surrogates for another adult;
    • delivering guardianship services or entering into partnerships with entities that provide guardianship services.
  • FINANCIAL EQUITY AND INTEGRATION We commit to advocating for pay equity for disabled people, opposing and dismantling subminimum wage and segregated workplaces. (See The National Council on Disability’s 2012 report  and the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights’ 2020 report showing how subminimum wage impacts the civil rights of disabled people.)
  • RESPECT & EMPATHY As the only federally mandated movement that is disability-led and cross-disability, we understand the shared struggles in the fight for equity. Therefore, we commit to listening to and understanding our peers and avoiding triggering attacks within our community so we can focus on uplifting one another and, in turn, the Independent Living philosophy. 

Accordingly, the undersigned agree to move forward together to uphold and renew our commitment to the above-stated values. We also welcome the signed support of allies outside CIL, SILC and IL Network organizations.

Arizona Statewide Independent Living Council_SILCAZ
Delaware Statewide Independent Living Council_SILCDE
Florida Independent Living Council_SILCFL
Kentucky Statewide Independent Living Council, Inc._SILCKY
Massachusetts Statewide Independent Living Council (MASILC)_SILCMA
Minnesota Statewide Independent Living Council_SILCMN
The Statewide Independent Living Council of Illinois_SILCIL
Washington State Independent Living Council_SILCWA
Access 2 IndependenceCILIA
Access LivingCILIL
Access To Independence of Cortland County IncCILNY
Access to Independence, Inc.CILWI
Blue Ridge Independent Living CenterCILVA
Boston Center for Independent LivingCILMA
Capital District Center for Independence, Inc.CILNY
Center for Accessible LivingCILKY
Center for Independent Living Gulf CoastCILFL
Center for Independent Living of Central PA-CILCPCILPA
Center for Independent Living of Central PennsylvaniaCILPA
Center for Independent Living OpportunitiesCILPA
Center for Independent Living OptionsCILOH
Center for Living & Working, Inc.CILMA
Center for People With DisabilitiesCILCO
Central Washington Disability ResourcesCILWA
Community Resources for Independent LivingCILCA
Dayle McIntosh Center for the DisabledCILCA
Direct Advocacy & Resource CenterCILAZ
Disability Empowerment CenterCILPA
Disability Empowerment CenterCILDE
Disability Empowerment Center (DEC)CILWA
Disability Resource CenterCILIL
Empower TennesseeCILTN
Endependence CenterCILVA
Everybody Counts, Inc.CILIN
Heart of Central Texas Independent Living CenterCILTX
Independence Associates, IncCILMA
Independence FirstCILWI
Independence Northwest, Inc.CILCT
Independent Living of the Genesee RegionCILNY
Independent Living Resource CenterCILCA
Independent Living Resource/Aging Disability resource Connection of Solano CountyCILCA
Liberty ResourcesCILPA
Life and Independence for Today (LIFT)CILPA
Metropolitan Center for Independent LivingCILMN
Middle Georgia Center for Independent LivingCILGA
Northern Regional Center for Independent Living, Inc.CILNY
On My Own Inc.CILMO
Progress Center for Independent LivingCILIL
Progressive IndependenceCILOK
Roads to Freedom Center for Independent Living (RTFCIL) of North Central PACILPA
Rolling Start, Inc.CILCA
Rural Advocates for Independent Living, Inc.CILMO
SOCIL - Southeastern Ohio CILCILOH
Southeastern MN Center for Independent Living, Inc.CILMN
Southeastern Ohio Center for Independent LivingCILOH
Southern California Rehabilitation Services, Inc.CILCA
Southern Minnesota Independent Living Enterprises & Services (SMILES)CILMN
Southwest Center for IndependenceCILCO
Spa Area Independent Living ServicesCILAR
The Freedom CenterCILMD
The Independence CenterCILCO
Tri-County Center for Independent LivingCILMO
Valley Association for Independent LivingCILTX
Voices for IndependenceCILPA
Voices for IndependenceCILPA
West Central Independent Living SolutionsCILMO
Western New York Independent Living, Inc./MHPCCILNY
Wyoming Independent Living, Inc.CILWY
Independent Living Research Utilization (ILRU)IL NetworkTX
National Council on Independent Living (NCIL)IL NetworkDC
Pennsylvania Council on Independent LivingIL NetworkPA
Abigail RitterIndividual AllyMA
Amanda ThorneIndividual AllyIN
Andrew BrownIndividual AllyMA
Anita CameronIndividual AllyNY
Ashley CoxIndividual AllyIL
Brent BroomeIndividual AllyMS
Brian BakerIndividual AllyMN
Brittany Pope-SearsIndividual AllyMN
Cameron McDonald-CahillIndividual AllyIL
Carma Carmelita FrancoIndividual AllyTX
Charlie CarrIndividual AllyMA
Cindy DanielIndividual AllyNC
Colleen StarkloffIndividual AllyMO
Darrell Lynn JonesIndividual AllyMA
Deanna RobbinsIndividual AllyIL
Deborah GleasonIndividual AllyMN
Dianna HuIndividual AllyMA
Dori TempioIndividual AllySC
Elizabeth MeyerIndividual AllyFL
Erin WeierbachIndividual AllyPA
Fred JohnsonIndividual AllyNC
Germán ParodiIndividual AllyPA
Gloria GartonIndividual AllyNC
Heather StillwellIndividual AllyMN
Jacob KnafflaIndividual AllyMN
Jan DerryIndividual AllyFL
Janet E. LordIndividual AllyMD
Jean HallIndividual AllyKS
Jeanette Mott ("J-MO") OxfordIndividual AllyMO
Jeannie HodgkissIndividual AllyUT
Jennifer KuceraIndividual AllyOH
Jeremy MorrisIndividual AllyOH
Jessica PodesvaIndividual AllyMA
Jo ErbesIndividual AllyMN
Joe BellilIndividual AllyMA
John AbbateIndividual AllyIL
Julie AlexanderIndividual AllyWI
Julie FarrarIndividual AllyNY
Karen BureauIndividual AllyMA
Kari TurnerIndividual AllyCA
Kathy OlsenIndividual AllyMI
Kathy WyattIndividual AllyMO
Kelsey GoddardIndividual AllyMO
Kimberly TissotIndividual AllySC
Larry EcholsIndividual AllyIN
Larry WangerIndividual AllyPA
Lauren AldenIndividual AllyPA
Leah SchutterIndividual AllyIN
LeDante WalkerIndividual AllyAR
Leelynn BradyIndividual AllyHI
Leslie JohnsonIndividual AllyMA
Linda JonesIndividual AllyWY
Linda LingenIndividual AllyMN
Lisa BrophyIndividual AllyNY
Lou Ann KibbeeIndividual AllyKS
Mariano RosalesIndividual AllyCA
Mark DerryIndividual AllyFL
Mary WillardIndividual AllyMT
Mary-Kate WellsIndividual AllyMA
Maura DonahueIndividual AllyMA
Maureen DiFrancoIndividual AllyAK
Megan ColemanIndividual AllyKY
Mel LevitonIndividual AllyID
Melissa BlubaughIndividual AllyMD
Mellie AduIndividual AllyAZ
Merrill EisenbergIndividual AllyAZ
Michael EvolaIndividual AllyNC
Mira GaitanisIndividual AllyFL
Molly ColeIndividual AllyCT
Monique StampsIndividual AllyNC
Nicholas WilkieIndividual AllyMN
Noel SandersIndividual AllyMA
Noelle KurthIndividual AllyKS
Pat McGinnisIndividual AllyNC
Paula McElweeIndividual AllyCA
Rene CumminsIndividual AllyNC
Ronald BassmanIndividual AllyCO
Rosalie EisenreichIndividual AllyMN
Sandra BookmanIndividual AllyTX
Sandra Breitengross BitterIndividual AllyTX
Sandy JordanIndividual AllySC
Sarah LoizeauxIndividual AllyMA
Scott M CrawfordIndividual AllyMS
Shari MyersIndividual AllyMN
Shaylin SluzalisIndividual AllyPA
Stephanie WoodwardIndividual AllyNY
Steven HigginsIndividual AllyMA
Tami GauglerIndividual AllyOH
Terri AdamsIndividual AllyPA
Theo BraddyIndividual AllyPA
Thomas WilsonIndividual AllyIL
Tom ReedIndividual AllyMN
Tom ReedIndividual AllyMN
Tommy GriecoIndividual AllyPA
Tyler MorrisIndividual AllyFL
Vicki CuscinoIndividual AllyAZ
W. D. Chrisner, IIIIndividual AllyPA
Yolanda JonesIndividual AllyTX
Access Ready Inc.OtherFL
Aciu Institute, LLCOtherOR
ADA WatchOtherDC
Center for International and Comparative Law, University of Baltimore School of LawOtherMD
Disability Policy ConsortiumOtherMA
Disability Pride PennsylvaniaOtherPA
Disability Revolution, Inc.OtherIN
Disability Rights InternationalOtherMA
Disabled in Action of PennsylvaniaOtherPA
Institute for Health and Disability Policy StudiesOtherKS
Liberators for JusticeOtherUS
Living Hope Wheelchair AssociationOtherTX
Mental Health Peer Connection (MHPC)OtherNY
National Association for Rights Protection and Advocacy (NARPA)OtherCT
National Concussion Management CenterOtherNC
New Disabled SouthOtherGA
North Central PA ADAPTOtherPA
Ohio Olmstead Task ForceOtherOH
Philadelphia ADAPTOtherPA
Research and Training Center on Independent LivingOtherKS
The Nth DegreeOtherOH
The Partnership for Inclusive Disaster StrategiesOtherPA
Walking SpiritOtherIN
We Were There Too: Blacks in the Disability MovementOtherNY
World Institute on DisabilityOtherCA
Disability Rights North CarolinaP&ANC
Misty DionIndividual AllyPA
Ivonne FloresIndividual AllyPR
Kim MoodyIndividual AllyME
Disability Rights MaineP&AME
Amy SeldersIndividual AllyPA
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